October 11, 2024


Online Submissions

Submit your article online only

Types of Contributions

1.  Research papers – original full-length research papers which have not been published previously.
2. Review articles – will be accepted in areas of topical interest, will normally focus on literature published over the previous five years.
3. Short communications – Short communications of up to 3000 words, describing work that may be of a preliminary nature but which merits immediate publication.

General: Manuscripts must be typewritten. Time New Roman with a font size of 10pt should be used. The corresponding author should be identified (include E-mail address). Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors. Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for style if possible. The manuscript must be at least 10 pages with a maximum of 15 pages in A4 format. The Editors reserve the right to adjust style to certain standards of uniformity.

Title: Should be concise and informative with all capital letters. Should be no longer than 15 words.

Short version of the title (Running head): Less than 60 letters.

Authors: Give the full name of all authors and their complete addresses. Contact information for the corresponding author, complete mailing address, and e-mail address.

Abstract: Not exceeding 250 words. Clearly summarize the important findings of the paper. It should contain hard facts such as objectives, methods and major results.

Keywords: Provide 4-6 keywords which can be used as an index to direct readers to articles.

Introduction: The introduction must provide the necessary background of the paper and a brief review of related literature. A clear statement of the objectives should also be included.

Materials and Methods: Describe the experimental procedures clearly enough for others to repeat the same experiment so that the same result could be obtained.

Results and Discussion: This section should contain “Results” and interpretation of the results in relation to existing knowledge.

Conclusions: State conclusion (do not summarize) briefly.

Tables: Number each table with Arabic numerals. Place a descriptive caption at the top of each table. Footnotes should be identified by lower-case letters appearing as superscripts in the body of the table and preceding below the table. The same data should not appear in both tables and figures.

Figures: (graphs, charts, line drawings, photographs). Figures with high-resolution images, preferably JPEGs. Type in the legend, with Arabic numbering, immediately below your image file.

Acknowledgments: List sources of financial or material support and the names of individuals whose contributions were significant but not deserving of authorship.

References: All references should be listed at the end of the paper using the following patterns:

Journal Articles:
Author(s). (Year). Article title. Abbrev. Journal title, Volume number(issue number):Number of pages.
Lambrecht, W.R.L., Rodina, A.V., Limpijumnong, S., Segall, B., and Meyer, B.K. (2002). Valence band ordering and magneto-optic exction fine structure in ZnO. Physical Review B., 6,507(7):5,207.

Author(s). (Year). Book title. Book edition. Publisher name, Place of publication. Total number of pages.
Spally, M.R. and Morgan, S.S. (1989). Methods of Food Analysis. 2nd ed. Elsevier, NY, 605p.

Chapter in Book:
Author(s) of the chapter. (Year). Title of the chapter. In: Title of the book. Author(s) or Editor(s). Publisher name, Place of publication, Pages of the chapter.
Aina, P.O., Lal, R., and Taylor, G.S. (1979). Effect of vegetal cover on soil erosion on an alfiso. In: Soil Physical Properties and Crop Production in the Tropics. Lal, R., and Greendla, D.J., (eds). Wiley, NY, p. 501-508.

Conference Proceedings:
Editor(s). (Year). Title of publication or conference. Name of conference (if not the 2nd element); inclusive dates of conference; place of conference, Publisher name, Place of publication, Number of pages.
Moschandreas, D.J., Karuchit, S., Lebowitz, M.D., O’Rourke, M.K., and Robertson, G. (2002). Contribution of the inhalation route to cumulative risk estimates from multiple route exposures to pesticides in NHEXAS-AZ residences. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate; June 30-July 5, 2002; Monterey, California, USA, p. 10-18.

Conference Abstracts:
Author(s) of abstract. (Year). Title of abstract, [abstract]. Name of conference; inclusive dates; place of conference. Page of program or proceedings. Abstract number.
Opassiri, R., Ketudat-Cairns, J.R., Wara-Aswapati, O., Akiyama, T., Svasti, J., and Esen, A. (2002). Structure and expression of β-glucosidase genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.), [abstract]. Plant Biology 2002: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Plant Biology; August 3-7, 2002; Denver CO, USA, p. 45-49. Abstract no. 62.

Scientific and Technical Reports:
Author(s), (performing organization). (Year of publication). Title. Publisher name or sponsoring organization, Place of publication, Report number. Total number of page. Availability statement (for example: Available from: NTIS, Springfield, Va).
National Institutes of Health [NIH], (U.S.). (1988). Report of the Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Panel, consultants to the Advisory Committee to the Director, NIH. Final report. Bethesda, Md.: NIH. 2 volumes. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, Va.

Author. (Year of degree). Title, [type of publication, for example: dissertation, Ph.D. thesis, [MSc. thesis]. Place of institution: institution granting the degree, Total number of pages. Availability statement.
Jiwalak, N. (2002). Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from lignite coal by physical and chemical activation, [MSc. thesis]. School of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology. Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, 89p.

Electronic Journal Article:
Author(s). (Year of publication). Title of article. Abbreviated journal title [type of medium]; volume number(issue number):pagination. Availability statement. [Date of accession if needed].
Cisler, S. (1990). Mediatracks. Public Access Comput Syst. Rev. [serial online]; 1(3):109-115. Available from: Public Access Computer Systems Forum PACS-L via the Internet. Accessed date: Nov 29, 1990.

Web Page:
Author(s). (Year of access). Title of page or article. Location of the owner of the web site: Owner of the web site. Available from: URL. Accessed date:.
U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA]. (2000). Biotechnology. Washington, D.C.: USDA. Available from: www.usda.gov. Accessed date: Jan 27, 2000.

Name of the inventor of the patented device or process, the word “inventor”; Company name, the word “assignee. Date issued [month day, year]. Title. Patent descriptor [including name of country issuing the patent and the patent number].
Harred, J.F., Knight, A.R., and McIntyre, J.S., inventors; Dow Chemical Company, assignee. April 4, 1972. Epoxidation Process. U.S. patent no. 3654317.

In Press Items:
Identify as “In press.”

Unpublished Items:
Name of researcher(s). (Year). Unpublished data. Institution of first researcher. Location of institution.
Sapers, G.M., and Buchanan, R.L. (1997). Unpublished data. Eastern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wyndmoor, PA, USA.

• No space between number and degree sign . . . .50oC
• Space between measurement and number . . . .25 mm
• No space between % and number . . . .50%
• 2 commas in a series of 3 items . . . .lions, tigers, and bears